Volume 4
Reciprocal Relationship between Governance of Natural Resources and Socio-Ecological Systems Dynamics in West Sumatra Indonesia
The issues discussed above are pronounced more in Indonesia among the Asian countries and the Western Sumatra is such typical example mainly due to earlier logging concessionaries, recent expansion of State and private plantation of para-rubber and oil palm plantation. These new frontiers have created confrontations among the local community deriving their livelihoods based on inland and coastal natural resources and the outsiders starting mega projects based on local resources be it the plantations or the massive coastal aqua cultural development. To document these dynamic processes Ford Foundation Country Office in Jakarta funded collaborative project between Andalas University and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on Capacity building in Integrated Natural Resources Management. The main objective of the project was Andalas faculty participate in understanding theories and diverse policy arenas for understanding and managing common pool resources (CPRs) which have collective action problem and dilemma through masters and doctoral field research on a collaborative mode (AIT, Indiana University and Andalas). This laid foundation for joint graduate program in Integrated Natural Resources Management (INRM). Major activities of the Ford Foundation initiatives involved the faculty from Andalas not only complete their degrees at AIT but also participated in several collaborative training.